About us


1935 was the start of Marine Motors in Antwerp with the trade in engines for pleasure boating. After World War II, this was supplemented with the assembly of generators and pump sets. This happened on the one hand for the shipping industry and on the other hand for the contracting industry.

In the ‘70s the first submersible pumps appeared, a market that Marine Motors also delved into. Our product range consisted more and more of pump groups and submersible pumps, for contractors and industry, and less of engines for the shipping industry.

We noticed that customers like to try out a pump in their own application first. Consequently, the rental of pumps gradually started. As a result, our customer base, and with it our rental fleet, grew considerably and we were looking forward to a larger terrain.

In 2001, we changed our name to Marine Motors & Pumps, and moved to the Ter Straten business park in Oelegem. Here, our company had enough space to continue growing. In 2015 we became a subsidiary of our main supplier Tsurumi.

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Today MMPumps is exclusively active in the rental and sale of pumps and accessories. With around 30 employees and a second branch office in Wavre, MMPumps wants to offer her customers flexibility, expertise and interaction. We offer solutions, adapted to the specific expectations of the project, while striving for added value for the customer. In addition, we attach great importance to providing good service in rental and sale, through repairs, maintenance, installation, and more.


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